
News Releases

Tourism 2020 survey to close December 31, 2019

December 20, 2019

(Tumon, Guam) The Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB) has announced the Tourism 2020 evaluation survey will end on December 31, 2019.

The survey was produced by the GVB Research Department and released in October 2019 as an effort to gather feedback from the island community on the Tourism 2020 strategic plan.

“We want to thank the community for providing valuable insights and honest opinions in evaluating the Tourism 2020 strategic plan,” said Acting GVB President and CEO Bobby Alvarez. “As we move into the next phase in developing the new strategic plan, the bureau would like to provide one last opportunity to any interested parties to let their voices be heard.”

The Tourism 2020 strategic plan was launched in February 2014 with the vision of transforming Guam into a world-class, first-tier resort destination of choice, offering a U.S. Island paradise with stunning ocean vistas for two million business and leisure visitors with accommodations and activities from value to luxury set in a safe, clean, family-friendly environment amidst a unique 4,000-year-old culture. The plan had eight core objectives to guide Guam's tourism industry into the year 2020.

“Preliminary survey results show a nice representation with responses from the private and public sectors, tourism industry professionals, government employees, senators, government officials, and the island community," said GVB Director of Tourism Research Nico Fujikawa. "So far, the results have shown a strong emphasis on infrastructure development, workforce development and overall improvement of the tourism product."

GVB will share the final results of the survey in the coming weeks and will utilize it to help develop the next strategic plan for the tourism industry.

The Tourism 2020 survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Those interested in taking the survey can go to

To read the Tourism 2020 plan, go to

For further questions, comments, or concerns on the survey, please contact GVB Director of Tourism Research Nico Fujikawa at [email protected]

Media Contact: JOSH TYQUIENGCO - Public Information Officer