
The Destination Management Department (DMD) of the Guam Visitors Bureau assists in the development of the community’s needs as they relate to Guam’s visitor industry. The department and its programs, intend to complement GVB’s role in promoting our island as an attractive destination, focus on the harmonious interaction of the island’s residents and those within the visitor industry. Within DMD, there exists the Sports Tourism Division, the Cultural Heritage and Community Division, Destination Improvement/Maintenance Division, the Membership Division and the Tourism Industry Relations Division.

Sports Tourism

The Sports Tourism Division identifies, advocates and further develops Guam as a sports destination. In doing so, the division assists in fostering relationships between athletes from our source markets and Guam, and encourage the continued development of local athletes.

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Cultural Heritage and Community Division

The Cultural Heritage and Community Outreach Division (CHaCO) of the Guam Visitors Bureau actively provides and maintains avenues for the continued development and strengthening of our culture and heritage in the tourism industry.

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Destination Improvement/Maintenance Division

GVB's Destination Improvement/Maintenance Division identifies capital improvement projects that will enhance Guam’s tourism infrastructure, seeks appropriations for these projects and pursues their implementation. The primary goal is to improve, upgrade and maintain infrastructure to meet the needs of the tourism industry and visitors coming to Guam.

Membership Division

The Guam Visitors Bureau's Membership Division maintains membership relations that will strengthen the bond of partnership between GVB, as a government office, and the private sector. This public-private partnership seeks stakeholder support for the industry that accounts for more than 60% of Guam’s economy as well as to take part in GVB promotions and programs.

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Tourism Industry Relations Division

The Tourism Industry Relations Division ensures visitor satisfaction and safety as well as the enhancement of local residents’ way of life by bridging the gap between visitors, the private sector and local residents.