Special Projects

Matapang Beach Park Infiltration and Restoration Project

Matapang Infiltration Field

The primary purpose of this project is to restore the Matapang Beach infiltration field and conveyance system. The matapang flood system is a critical component of Tumon's stormwater management system with 3 out of 6 main culverts discharging to the Matapang Beach infiltration field. The system was installed in the 1990s and is currently in a state of disrepair, refectling the results of 20 years of wear and tear. Much of the Matapang Beach infiltration field has collapsed, resulting in uneven surfaces and cracked and depressed asphalt in the parking lot and driveway. During even moderate storm events the standing water can be over 12” deep and may take days to dissipate. Restoring Matapang's stormwater system would greatly mitigate stormwater runoff generated during the height of Guam's rainy seasons where frequent, high precipitation occurs.

Park Amenities

The construction to repair the Matapang Beach infiltration system would involve the demolition of existing park infrastructure, allowing an opportunity to redevelop the park amenities to better serve the community. The overall design of the finished park takes into account the importance of having an abundance of greenscape, as well as ensuring the overall park design gives homage to our island's chamorro culture. In addition to new park pavilions, the project aims to include a visitor center where patrons can learn about the historical and cultural significance of matapang beach. The visitor center would also include vendor stalls to allow locally-owned, small businesses the opportunity to sell goods and services to park visitors.

Guam Fire Department Rescue Base & Guam Police Department Beach Patrol Base

The Matapang restoration project will also include the construction of a Guam Fire Department Rescue Base and a Guam Police Department Beach Patrol Base. The installment of these critical public safety agencies in Tumon would greatly enhance the safety of our community by allowing for quicker response time to emergencies.

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