
Håfa Adai Pledge

About the Håfa Adai Pledge

The Håfa Adai Pledge program is a cornerstone of the Guam Visitors Bureau’s local community branding campaign and your participation is critical to our success. Since its inception in 2009, the Håfa Adai Pledge program has grown steadily both in numbers of participants as well as the content of individual pledges. To date over 900 private businesses, government agencies, non-profits and other organizations have joined the Håfa Adai Pledge program.

What is The Håfa Adai Pledge?

The Håfa Adai Pledge is more than just a membership arrangement. It means making a deeper commitment and taking more responsibility as a citizen in our community. Taking the pledge means:

  1. “Uniting in one spirit” with over 900 companies, organizations and entities, in the perpetuation and preservation of the language, culture and traditions of the indigenous people of this beautiful island we all dwell in;
  2. To have more conscious awareness and concern about programs and movements in the community that perpetuate the Chamorro language, culture and traditions of our island and be involved with them by contributing and supporting them in one way or another;
  3. Making a commitment by taking extra efforts on a daily basis that will “make a difference” in the survival of the Chamorro language, culture and traditions in some way or another;
  4. Doing everything possible to “go local, look local, and think local” throughout the year (not just during Chamorro month).

It's easy and free to join! Just download the attached Hafa Adai Pledge invitation to view the complete program information, then click on the link below to sign up for the program. A Hafa Adai Pledge program representative will contact you with details on participating in one of our monthly signing ceremonies.

Sign Up Here!

Håfa Adai Pledge Audio Tracks