GVB Management

Honorable Carl T.C. Gutierrez

Chief Advisor to the
Governor of Guam -
Economic Development,
National and
International Affairs
Governor's Economic
Strategy Council
President & CEO
Guam Visitors Bureau

Carl T.C. Gutierrez is a former two-term governor of Guam (1995-2003), lifelong public servant, and businessman who leverages native intuition and team building to dream big, calculate risk, and plunge ahead to solve critical problems and achieve monumental goals in a hurry. Driven by an insatiable desire to deliver a better quality of life for the people of Guam, Gutierrez’s approach begins by focusing talents and energies on the single most pivotal aspect of any given situation. He builds momentum by announcing his aims, gathering multiple commitments, and igniting a sense of mutual expectation and excitement. This drives action and results with a sense of speed and urgency. It also leads to celebration and a reenergized readiness to tackle the next challenge.

Gutierrez’s lifelong commitment to unconventional problem solving began with an adventurous childhood in Guam and high school in California and manifested itself through a career that began in the U.S. Air Force as a computer specialist. Exiting the military, Gutierrez became a homebuilder and general contractor who employed over a hundred Overseas Filipino Workers and made their families a part of his own. Activity in politics led to a 25-year stretch in the island legislature marked by continuous coalition-building and coveted leadership positions including Chairman of Ways and Means and Speaker of the Senate.

Today Gutierrez proudly reports directly to Guam Governor Lourdes A. Leon Guerrero as her hand-selected Chief Advisor on Economic Development, National and International Affairs.

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Gerald (Gerry) S.A. Perez

Vice President
Guam Visitors Bureau


Born and raised on Guam, graduate of Fr. Duenas Memorial School, married to Karri Trahin of Radford, Virginia, and between them have six children. Enjoys the performing arts, jogging, reading, travel and scuba diving. University of Idaho graduate in Forestry (BS) and Wildlife Management (MS) with honors in Phi Sigma, Xi Sigma Pi and fellowships (or scholarships) from John Hay Whitney Foundation (New York), Wildlife Management Institute (Washington, D.C.), GovGuam, and YMLG. University of Alaska Fairbanks (PhD), Tourism Development and Public Policy. Adjunct Professor, College of Business and Public Administration, University of Guam

Private Business

Retired in 2003 as Travel Retail Executive (DFS President) after 23 years with over 500 employees; Proprietor, Micromed Suppliers; and General Manager, Guam Visitors Bureau. Past Chairman, Guam Chamber of Commerce Board; Twice Chairman, Armed Forces Committee. Currently serving as Co-Chairman of 36th Wing Andersen Community Advisory Council. Senior Consultant, Leading Edge and Allied Business Consulting Group and former Manager, Nanbo Insurance (Tokio Marine) Agency.

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