
News Releases


April 10, 2014

(Tumon, Guam) March is historically the busiest month for visitor arrivals and 2014 is no exception. GVB's research department has confirmed that March 2014 broke July 1997's previous record of 130,929 to become the 6th top banner month in the history of tourism. The top spot still belongs to March 2013 which totaled 136,278, followed by August 1995 with 135,170 in arrivals.

The record breaking month can be attributed to Guam's ongoing efforts to grow and diversify its visitor markets. While overall Japan outbound travel is down,GVB is making efforts to close the gap and build upon an aggressive marketing plan to address the situation in Japan.

"Our diversification efforts are working. There are more jobs in tourism and tourists spending more money on Guam," said Governor Eddie Calvo. "It's my hope this translates into more promotions, higher wages for workers, more services for customers, and a higher quality of life all the way around." 

"Growth and diversification in our visitor markets is happening as we speak, especially the noteworthy increases with Korea, China and Russia," said GVBGeneral Manager Karl Pangelinan. "As we continue to expand our efforts and promote our Chamorro Culture, we'll be on point to reach our Tourism 2020 goal of two million visitor arrivals in 6 years."

The preliminary Month-to-Date Arrivals report for March 2014 noted that 131,255 visitors were welcomed to Guam.


Korea grew 32.3%, bringing 21,600 visitors to the island. Arrivals from the People’s Republic of China rose 40.2%, while the Russia Federation also increased by 134.3%, 

Additionally, Armed Forces Air Arrivals increased by 5.8% and Armed Forces Sea Arrivals grew by 58.2%.


Top 15 Banner Months Guam Visitors 

         Month/Year                     Guam Arrivals

1.     March 2013                         136,728

2.     August 1995                        135,710

3.     August 2013                        134,355

4.     August 2001                        132,249

5.     August 2012                        131,988

6.     March 2014                         131,255 

7.     July 1997                            130,929

8.     August 1997                       129,270 

9.     August 2007                       128,923 

10.  August 2000                       127,555

11.  July 1995                            127,082 

12.   March 2012                       126,376 

13.   August 1996                     125,086

14.   March 1996                      124,896 

15.   March 1997                      123,822