
News Releases


September 4, 2013

For Immediate Release

GVB projects 220,000 Korean Visitor Arrivals for FY 2013

(Tumon, Guam) In 1996, at the height of travel and tourism on Guam, the island welcomed over 194,000 visitors from Korea, the most we have seen from this source market. Today, the Guam Visitors Bureau’s Research Department has confirmed that Guam has welcomed the most Korean tourists ever in the 50 years of the island’s tourism history.

GVB reports that from October 1, 2012 to August 24, 2013, Guam has welcomed just over 208,000 Korean visitors for FY 2013. This is a 16% increase over the original projection for the fiscal year of 190,000, and a 40% increase over the same period in FY2012. 

“Last year was a historic year for tourism, and things are only getting better this year,” Governor Eddie Baza Calvo said.  “These unprecedented arrivals show the hard work from GVB, our island’s businesses, and all our employees is paying off.  I know our collective efforts will attract even more tourists to our island.  And with more tourists, Guamanians can expect more jobs, more hours at work, and more opportunities for their dreams to come true.”

“This is great news for Guam, our people and the island’s industry,” GVB General Manager Karl Pangelinan said. “The additional flights from Seoul Incheon and the addition of Busan as a gateway city, coupled with increased and proactive marketing initiatives by GVB, is now yielding great benefits to the island as shown in our arrival reports. This market is only going to grow and we would not have achieved this milestone without the support of our people, our island leaders and those who day in and day out work the front lines of visitor guest services. This is attributed to the great work you do, and we sincerely thank you.”

Korean Arrivals to Guam has posted an unprecedented double-digit growth compared to last year prompting GVB to revise its projection to 220,000 Korean Visitors to arrive on Guam by September 30, 2013. This equates to an impact of $423.5 Million dollars to the island's economy.


Pangelinan added that this news could not come at a better time. “Right now, a Guam Delegation is traveling to the 2013 Busan International Travel Fair, where we are going to put our best foot forward. During our budget hearings, GVB Chairman of the Board, Mark Baldyga, stated that the greatest asset of our island that sets us apart from other island resort destinations is our people. While in Busan, we will proactively tell that story and showcase our unique Chamorro Culture.”


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Public Information Officer
Office: (671) 646-5278




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