
News Releases

GVB to launch InstaGuam, InstaSpot Partner Program

February 13, 2019

(Tumon, Guam) The Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB) has announced it will be launching its new InstaGuam, InstaSpot Partner Program, which will focus on user-generated content while promoting local artwork and attractions around the island.

GVB is currently reaching out to local businesses that feature unique interior or exterior decorations, as well as wall art, to be identified as “InstaSpots.” The new program encourages customers of participating businesses to take a photo of the designated “InstaSpot” and post their content on their personal social media platforms while including the hashtags, #instaGuam and #instaSpot. Upon sharing their content, the customers would then be eligible to receive a special offer provided by the participating local business. The special offer from the business must be valid, managed, and honored through September 30, 2019.

“We invite all interested businesses to partner with us to highlight their spaces and eye-catching murals. This program is a great way to encourage our Guam residents and visitors to not just buy local, but support local businesses by promoting them on social media,” said GVB President and CEO Nathan Denight.

The solicitation period for the InstaSpot program is ongoing through February 22. For more information or to participate, contact Ms. Robbie Bautista at [email protected] or call (671) 797-9900.

Media Contact: JOSH TYQUIENGCO - Public Information Officer