
News Releases

GVB steps up to conduct streetlight repairs in Tumon

October 29, 2015

Safety paramount; assessment continues for repair and maintenance of Tumon lights

NOTE: The following is a joint release from Governor Eddie Baza Calvo and the Guam Visitors Bureau.

“Protecting the lifeblood of our economy is important to continue moving in the right direction. I’m proud of the folks at the Guam Visitors Bureau for taking the lead to repair streetlights in Tumon that are almost 20 years old.”

- Governor Eddie Baza Calvo

Repair work already being done

The Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB) is working with government partners to repair and refurbish streetlight infrastructure in Tumon and fix long-standing issues in the island’s tourism capital.

GVB already completed Phase I of the San Vitores Streetlight Improvement Project in April 2015, replacing 129 lighting fixtures with LED lights and 47 base plates.

Rainy season reveals more problems

After the start of the rainy season, a large number of streetlights went out, which prompted GVB to find out the cause of the problem. Results from a comprehensive assessment of the streetlight system in Tumon revealed broken and rusty fixtures, old wiring and damaged electrical boxes that need repair work.

“The safety of our local residents and visitors is paramount,” said GVB General Manager Nathan Denight. “GVB is happy to step up and tackle this project. Having adequate lighting is a necessity and that’s why we are making these streetlight repairs a top priority. We are also going to come up with a maintenance plan for the streetlights in Tumon. We’re definitely working hard to reinvest our tourism dollars into our aging infrastructure to meet the goals of our Tourism 2020 plan.”

Phase II to begin soon

Based on the streetlight assessment findings, Phase II of the San Vitores Streetlight Improvement Project is anticipated to go out to bid in November 2015, with work expected to begin in January 2016. The target completion is estimated to be around May 2016.

Media Contact: JOSH TYQUIENGCO - Public Information Officer