
News Releases

Guam wins best booth at 2016 International Travel Fair

November 10, 2016

Chamorro culture featured to over 360,000 participants in Taiwan

(Taipei, Taiwan) The Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB) recently returned from the 2016 Taipei International Travel Fair (ITF), which was held from November 4-7, 2016. The event received a record-breaking 360,000 visitors, surpassing last year’s numbers and providing a greater platform to promote Guam’s unique Chamorro culture.

Led by GVB President & CEO Nathan Denight and Director of Global Marketing Pilar Laguaña, the Guam delegation also won the “Best Booth Design” award, outshining 1,450 exhibition booths at ITF.

“We are proud to bring this prestigious award back home and represent our island well with all the impressive Chamorro cultural performances and energetic activities that showcased Guam’s signature events for 2017,” said GVB President & CEO Nathan Denight. “Team Guam worked hard to promote events such as the Shop Guam e-Festival, United Airline Guam Marathon, and many others as part of our Visit Guam 2017: Year of Love campaign. This travel fair is just one of the many ways to invite thousands of potential travelers to experience our island paradise."

Denight was also invited to join the ribbon cutting ceremonies at the ITF Grand Opening, which was led by the Minister of Transportation and Communications Hochen Tan. Additionally, Chamorro performers from Guma Taotao Tano’, Mr. and Miss Guam, and other industry partners were featured at the event. The Guam Reef & Olive Spa Resort, Skydive Guam, T Galleria by DFS, Dusit Thani Guam Resort, Pacific Star Resort & Spa, Sentry Hospitality, and the University of Guam also heavily promoted Guam’s products and services.

"ITF is truly a great medium for our tourism partners to communicate on a personal level with consumers, key airline partners and the Taiwanese travel trade,” said GVB Director of Global Marketing Pilar Laguaña. “Guam has participated in ITF since its inception 30 years ago and we have gained strong support in returning to share our Håfa Adai spirit and hospitality.”

Media Contact: JOSH TYQUIENGCO - Public Information Officer