
News Releases


January 29, 2014

 Dynamic Airways & United Airlines to Bring In Over 1500 Visitors

(Tumon, Guam) The Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB) is pleased to announce the first of three inaugural charter flights from Dynamic Airways arrived on island this afternoon for the Chinese Lunar New Year. The airline is the newest partner to GVB and flew in over 200 Chinese visitors from Beijing. Two other inaugural flights from Dalian and Chengdu, as well as an additional Beijing flight, are also expected to bring more than 600 visitors in the next few days. Combined with charter flights from United Airlines, over 1,500 Chinese visitors will be arriving on Guam through February 7.

"With or without the visa waiver, we are aggressively pursuing the visitor market in mainland China," said GVB General Manager Karl Pangelinan. "We are pleased with the number of charter flights coming into Guam for the Lunar New Year and we thank United Airlines and Dynamic Airways for their support. Everything that GVB is doing moving forward is in line with our Tourism 2020 plan to benefit our island community and show our visitors Guam is the world class destination of choice."

Chamorro cultural dancers Pa’a Taotao Tano’ also greeted visitors off the inaugural flight from Beijing at the A.B. Won Pat Guam International Airport. Greeting services for the other two inaugural flights are also being planned.