
News Releases

Early Registration for 9th Ko’ko’ Half Marathon & Ekiden Relay Breaks Records

September 11, 2014

Incentives provided for GVB Signature Event

(Tumon, Guam) The Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB), along with the Pacific Islands Club, T Galleria by DFS, Docomo Pacific, Powerade/Fruita+, the Stations of KUAM and United Airlines announced today that early registration for the 9th Ko’ko’ Half Marathon and Ekiden Relay has reached a new record.

 “We’re thrilled with the overwhelming response to the Ko’ko’ race from both our local and international communities,” said GVB General Manager Karl Pangelinan.  “With the support of our Ko’ko’ partners, GVB is experiencing an over 50% increase in advance of our next early bird registration cut-off on September 12th. We highly encourage everyone that hasn’t registered yet to take advantage of our lower rates today. It’s very possible that we may reach our registration limit before the final October 15th cut-off date.”

United Airlines Social Media Promotion

Participants who have registered by the September 12th cut-off date will also be eligible to enter a social media promotion on facebook and instagram for a chance to win two round trip tickets to Hong Kong, courtesy of United Airlines, the official airline of the Guam Ko’ko’ Half Marathon and Ekiden Relay. Registrants are encouraged to visit further details. The contest ends on Friday, September 12th and the winner will be announced on the Ko’ko’ & GVB facebook pages.

Hydration Stations by Powerade

To help support those training for the Ko’ko’ race, Powerade has scheduled hydration stations outside the GVB Office or Subway location in Tumon three times a week leading up to the day of the GVB signature event. The Powerade team can be found from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, and 4:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. on Sundays.

Register Today

The Ko’ko’ Half Marathon and Ekiden Relay will take place on Sunday, October 19, 2014 at Governor Joseph Flores Memorial Park (Ypao) and registration for the race is open at GVB in Tumon and online at .

The Ko’ko’ ekiden relay (four person team) course will change to the same route as the half marathon, but will turn around in Tamuning near the United City Ticket Office. The current half marathon solo course will remain the same, starting and finishing at Governor Joseph Flores Memorial (Ypao Beach) Park with the turnaround point in the village of Asan.

Post race festivities will also begin immediately after runners complete the half marathon or ekiden relay, with an awards ceremony, cultural activities and the return of a post-race breakfast being offered.

Additionally, Ekiden Relay teams in the school division can register for just $30, or $7.50 per runner, to allow as many students as possible to participate. After September 12th, the registration fee will go up to $40. GVB encourages runners to dress up in costumes or wear festive running attire to celebrate the 9th year of this signature event.


Media Contact: JOSH TYQUIENGCO - Public Information Officer