
News Releases

Eagle Scout candidate completes beautification project in Tumon

February 5, 2021

Governor Joseph Flores Memorial Park restriped by youth volunteers

(Tumon, Guam) The Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB) together with the Islandwide Beautification Task Force (IBTF) is proud to announce that an Eagle Scout candidate has completed a beautification project with youth volunteers at Governor Joseph Flores Memorial Park (Ypao Beach) on January 30, 2021.

Mark Wang, a sophomore from St. John’s School, organized the project as part of his work as an Eagle Scout candidate in the Boys Scouts of America. A prominent requirement of being an eagle scout is to plan and execute a service project that stands to benefit a community beneficiary, which in this case, benefited the Department of Parks and Recreation.

Wang, together with scouts and students from different schools, gathered at Ypao Beach to restripe the parking lot lanes on both east and west locations using paint, materials, and supplies that were generously donated by the Home Depot.

“The idea behind doing this at Ypao is because I wanted to take this project as an opportunity to give back to the community in any small way possible. Ypao Beach is a popular destination for locals and tourists, which fuels Guam’s number one industry. With this in mind, I decided to repaint the parking lot in order to give the area a brighter look, along with improving safety since many of the parking lanes were barely visible to vehicles,” said Wang. “I want to thank everyone that helped out, including the volunteers, Islandwide Beautification Task Force, Home Depot, Department of Parks and Recreation, and Guam Visitors Bureau.”

“It is wonderful that young adults like Mark Wang are doing their part to help maintain our parks and beaches.  This is a great reminder for everyone that we are all stewards of the environment and everyone can make a positive contribution to our island,” said Lt. Governor Joshua Tenorio.

GVB supported this event by dedicating its Visitor Safety Officers to keep volunteers safe, while the IBTF coordinated the event oversight with Mr. Wang.

“GVB commends this young man for doing all the leg work for this project. We were happy to assist him and the DPR Park Rangers with area and traffic control,” said GVB Vice President Dr. Gerry Perez. “We are proud that Mr. Wang has helped improve Ypao Beach and hope that other young people are inspired by his actions to also take an active role in being a good citizen of our island paradise.”

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