
Bid Archive

This Bid/IFB Archive is provided for reference pursuant to GUAM PROCUREMENT LAW: TITLE 5, ARTICLE 3, Chapter 5, PART B, subsection 5220.

GVB IFB 2020-007: Copier Lease & Maintenance Service (Re-Issued)

GVB IFB 2020-006: Copier & Maintenance Service

GVB IFB 2020-005: Stormwater Management System Maintenance - Phase II: Fujita Ponding Basin

Deadline Extension: Friday, February 21 - Monday, March 9

GVB IFB 2020-004: Stormwater Management System Maintenance - Phase I: Culvert Cleaning

GVB IFB 2020-003: Westin Hill Median Improvement

GVB IFB 2020-002: Tree Mitigation

GVB IFB 2020-001: Design Build Services for Median Uplighting

GVB IFB 2019-006: Sidewalk Cleaning

GVB IFB 2019-004MS: Lighting Improvement & Maintenance

GVB IFB 2019-005: Cleaning and Maintenance Services

GVB IFB 2019-003: Island Road Maintenance

GVB IFB 2019-002: Beach Cleaning Maintenance

GVB IFB 2019-001: Bus Shelter Maintenance

GVB IFB 2018-001: Tumon Landscape Maintenance

GVB IFB 2017-006: Printing of Guam Customs Agriculture Declaration Forms

GVB IFB 2017-005: Cleaning and Maintenance Services

GVB IFB 2017-004: MS Tumon Bay Lighting Improvement Phase II Installation Project

GVB IFB 2017-002: MS Communications Services

GVB IFB 2017-001: MS Tree Mitigation Project

GVB IFB 2017-003: Cleaning and Maintenance Services (November 3, 2016)

GVB IFB 2017-003: Cleaning and Maintenance Services

GVB IFB 2016-006 Island Road Maintenance - IFB plus appendices

GVB IFB 2016-007 Tumon and Hagatna Bay Beach Cleaning Project

GVB IFB 2016-005 Production & Delivery of Promotional Polypropylene Non-Woven Reusable Bags

GVB IFB 2016-003 Tumon Bus Shelter Project

GVB IFB 2016-002: MS Production & Delivery of Promotional Polypropylene Non-Woven Reusable Large Bags

GVB IFB 2016-001: Printing of Guam Customs Agriculture Declaration Forms