
News Releases Archives

Denight: Highlighting tourism on Guam

February 20, 2017

Håfa adai and welcome to my new column! As president and CEO of the Guam Visitors Bureau, I look forward to sharing information with you. I’ll provide updates on our plans and offer insights from our research. I’ll tell you about the exciting things that GVB is doing on and off island to celebrate Guam as a unique destination.

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January 2017 rises to best January ever in tourism history

February 9, 2017

January 2017 is the best January of all time for visitor arrivals. When compared to the previous year, January arrivals increased by 5.2% with 136,029 visitors welcomed to our shores. Guam also just experienced its best year in tourism with over 1.53 million visitors coming to Guam in 2016.

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