
News Releases Archives

GVB Launches “OMOIDE GUAM” Campaign

January 11, 2012

(Wednesday, January 11, 2012; Tumon, Guam) Just in time for the New Year, the Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB) officially launched the “Omoide Guam” Campaign in Japan, Guam’s largest visitor market. Omoide is the Japanese word for memory.

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GVB Prepares To Promote Guam In Russia

January 3, 2012

(Tuesday, January 3, 2012; Tumon, Guam) Since the announcement by the Department of Homeland Security approving Parole Authority for Russian Visitors to Guam, the Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB) continues to work to develop a promotion strategy that ensures the successful entering of the market.

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